Releases: Q4 2023

Upcoming releases and changes

Note that Herald aims to continuously add new information to our responses to enable new features. We try our best to avoid high impact changes. In some of the examples below, we hope to deprecate old information with new, more robust information. But no information will ever be removed without notice and approval.

Release Timeline

New fields released to Sandbox: October 25th, 2023
New fields released to Production: November 8th, 2023
Old fields deprecated & New Quote Processor  in Sandbox: January 17th, 2023
Old fields deprecated & New Quote Processor  in Production: February 14th, 2024

Here’s an overview of the changes you can expect to see in a quote response:
New fields are highlighted in green with a +. Old fields, that will be deprecated later, are highlighted in red with a -.

GET /quotes/{quote_id}

  "quote": {
    "id": "9ce90dce-13dc-4dba-865c-7c33e1788514",
-   "product_id": "prd_c4ow_cowbell_cyber_surplus",
+   "product": {
      "id": "prd_c4ow_cowbell_cyber_surplus",
      "name": "Cowbell Cyber Surplus",
      "product_line": "cyber_surplus",
      "institution_id": "ins_4hfc_cowbell",
      "institution": {
          "id": "ins_4hfc_cowbell",
          "name": "Cowbell"
    "status": "active",
    "status_details": null,
    "portal_link": "",
-   "naic_code": "16754",
+   "insurers": [
        "naic_code": "16754",
        "name": "Spinnaker Insurance Company",
        "quota_share": 100
    "submission_id": "544c94d9-d1b6-49a9-aad6-97e3f8e5010b",
    "prices": {
      "premium_before_taxes_and_fees": 5001,
      "premium_with_taxes_and_fees": 5522.23,
      "details": [
          "text": "Premium (before taxes and fees)",
          "type": "premium",
          "amount": 5001
+  "producer": {
      "id": "7c6e854e-4105-46c3-bcf3-3371a6d5acf2",
      "name": "Misty Adamson",
      "email": "",
      "external_id": null
    "files": [
        "id": "a1cc3f33-4d5b-4f45-9d6e-4b7432e92d64",
+       "status": "processing",
        "text": "Application",
        "type": "application"
+   "risk_values": [
        "risk_parameter_id": "rsk_7ahp_has_domain",
        "value": "yes",
-       "text": "Do you have a website or domain?",
+       "parameter_text": {
          "applicant_facing_text": "Do you have a website or domain?",
          "agent_facing_text": "Does the business have a website or domain?"
    "coverage_values": [
        "coverage_parameter_id": "cvg_agj9_cyb_aggregate_limit",
        "value": 1000000,
-       "text": "Aggregate Limit",
+       "parameter_text": {
          "applicant_facing_text": "Aggregate Limit",
          "agent_facing_text": "Aggregate Limit"
+   "admin_values": [],
    "bind_status": "unavailable",
    "quote_number": "QCB-250-JSYQEEWV",
+   "admitted": false,
+   "created_at": "2023-10-10T17:09:47.465Z",
+   "updated_at": "2023-10-10T17:10:28.830Z"

New Quote Processor
Herald is making quotes faster by processing files separately, starting with our Cyber Products, and coming to all products later this year. Today, a quote finishes processing only after the last file becomes available. Separate files processing allows us to deliver the quote to you faster, while waiting for files to finish processing.  This means that all files in a quote will start in the processing status, and become available after the file has finished processing. We’ve observed file processing times and files usually take from 1-2 minutes to process, with more complex files sometimes taking as many as 5 minutes.
Herald quotes that are successfully processed by an institution, will always be returned with an exhaustive list of files. So when you see a Cyber quote, the files will all still be there, but the difference is that some files will have the processing status.

Impact: For Cyber products only, poll our /quotes endpoint until the files you need are available and not processing. Prepare other products to receive processing files today, to be ready for upcoming changes.

    "files": [
        "id": "a1cc3f33-4d5b-4f45-9d6e-4b7432e92d64",
+       "status": "processing",
        "text": "Application",
        "type": "application"

Updates to /quotes

Below we are documenting some new features and changes to our /quotes/:id response. There are new fields that will be released to sandbox and production, and some existing fields that we aim to deprecate at a later date.

1. New Information!
- The producer object
- The risk_values from the application
- *The admin_values array from the application. Note: this is only relevant if you have opted in to the proxies feature! By default, you do not have admin values.
- An admitted boolean, communicating if the quote is admitted or non-admitted.
- Time stamps for created_at and updated_at

Impact: This is totally new info! Feel free to incorporate it in your experience. Note that Herald plans to continually add new information to our resources.

+  "producer": {
      "id": "7c6e854e-4105-46c3-bcf3-3371a6d5acf2",
      "name": "Misty Adamson",
      "email": "",
      "external_id": null
+   "risk_values": [
        "risk_parameter_id": "rsk_7ahp_has_domain",
        "value": "yes",
        "text": "Do you have a website or domain?",
        "parameter_text": {
          "applicant_facing_text": "Do you have a website or domain?",
          "agent_facing_text": "Does the business have a website or domain?"
+   "admin_values": [],
+   "admitted": false,
+   "created_at": "2023-10-10T17:09:47.465Z",
+   "updated_at": "2023-10-10T17:10:28.830Z"

2. More Details on the Product
Previously, the quote response only included the product_id.

We will now include the full product object, which includes the product id, name, product_line, and the institution object.

Note that institution object is a new element in the product object, although there were previously no details on the institution in quotes.

Impact: Plan to move to the Product object rather than the top-level product_id, and use the institution object instead of institution_id.

-   "product_id": "prd_c4ow_cowbell_cyber_surplus",
+   "product": {
      "id": "prd_c4ow_cowbell_cyber_surplus",
      "name": "Cowbell Cyber Surplus",
      "product_line": "cyber_surplus",
-     "institution_id": "ins_4hfc_cowbell",
+     "institution": {
          "id": "ins_4hfc_cowbell",
          "name": "Cowbell"

3. Support for Quotes with multiple insurers.
Previously, the quote response only included the naic_code to communicate the insurer. This does not support quotes with multiple insurers taking on different shares of premium and risk (Insurance is complicated).

We will now include a new insurers array, which includes the naic_code, name, and quota_share (%) of each insurer. If there is only 1 insurer, share will be 100. Otherwise, the sum of all insurers share will add up to 100.

Impact: Plan to move to the Insurers array rather than the top-level naic_code.

-   "naic_code": "16754",
+   "insurers": [
        "naic_code": "16754",
        "name": "Spinnaker Insurance Company",
        "quota_share": 100

4. Consistently delivering Agent and Applicant Facing Text.
Previously, the quote response only included coverage_values with text for each parameter. As noted above, Herald is now including risk_values and admin_values* as well.
*Admin values only relevant if you are using the proxies feature

We will now include the parameter_text object for both sets of values (risk and coverage), consistent with how this information is delivered in other resources.

Impact: Plan to pull text from parameter_text rather than text.

+   "risk_values": [
        "risk_parameter_id": "rsk_7ahp_has_domain",
        "value": "yes",
-       "text": "Do you have a website or domain?",
+       "parameter_text": {
          "applicant_facing_text": "Do you have a website or domain?",
          "agent_facing_text": "Does the business have a website or domain?"
    "coverage_values": [
        "coverage_parameter_id": "cvg_agj9_cyb_aggregate_limit",
        "value": 1000000,
-       "text": "Aggregate Limit",
+       "parameter_text": {
          "applicant_facing_text": "Aggregate Limit",
          "agent_facing_text": "Aggregate Limit"
+   "admin_values": []