Bind Orders

Submit a bind application to an institution through bind orders

A bind order sends a single bind application to an institution to request a policy. You can create a bind order using [.h-code]POST[.h-code] [.h-endpoint-link]/bind_orders[.h-endpoint-link], including the [.h-code]id[.h-code] of a completed bind application in the request. When you submit a bind order, the bind application is sent to the institution to review. Depending on the product, you may receive a policy in seconds, or the bind application may need to be reviewed manually before a policy is provided.

Creating Bind Orders

Creating a bind order requires the [.h-code]id[.h-code] of a complete bind application. When you create the bind order, the bind application is submitted to the institution. Here’s an example request to create a bind order.

POST /bind_orders

  "bind_application": {
    "id": "1c2f58c6-65a3-4ced-9bdd-ec97c6148221"

The initial bind order response will have a [.h-code]pending[.h-code] status as we wait for a decision from the institution. The [.h-code]pending[.h-code] status communicates that a policy has not yet been created. Using the example bind application from our guide to building a bind application, the initial bind order response would look like this:


    "bind_order": {
        "id": "7108cec8-61b9-46d9-93e4-d192450f4609",
        "status": "pending",
        "status_details": null,
        "policy": null,
        "bind_application": {
            "quote_id": "96d7c27b-dd73-46f1-9d33-c7c43e812527",
            "risk_values": null,
            "coverage_values": [
                    "coverage_parameter_id": "cvg_o3mw_cyb_effective_date",
                    "value": "2023-07-28"
            "admin_values": [
                    "admin_parameter_id": "adm_5k6f_surplus_brokerage_name",
                    "value": "Harold Insurance"
                    "admin_parameter_id": "adm_6evk_surplus_broker_license_number",
                    "value": "1835566"

In this case, the bind application has a [.h-code]pending[.h-code] status, and no value for the [.h-code]policy[.h-code] property. Some additional details:

  • The [.h-code]id[.h-code] should be used to poll the bind order using [.h-code]GET[.h-code] [.h-endpoint-link]/bind_orders/{bind_order_id}[.h-endpoint-link] to check for an updated status.
  • Status details are only provided in the case that the bind order is [.h-code]rejected[.h-code].
  • Once the bind order moves to an [.h-code]accepted status[.h-code], the [.h-code]policy[.h-code] property will provide an [.h-code]id[.h-code] to get the details of the policy. A policy [.h-code]id[.h-code], naturally, is only made available for bind orders that have been accepted by the institution.
  • The bind order response also includes the full [.h-code]bind_application[.h-code] that was submitted.

Getting a Policy

Similar to checking the [.h-code]status[.h-code] of a quote, you can use [.h-code]GET[.h-code] [.h-endpoint-link]/bind_orders/{bind_order_id}[.h-endpoint-link] to get updated bind order statuses. If a policy is created successfully, the status will move to [.h-code]accepted[.h-code] and a [.h-code]policy_id[.h-code] will be available to get the details of the policy.

[.icon-circle-blue][.icon-circle-blue] You can find more details on the progression of a bind order in our bind order status doc.

The response for an [.h-code]accepted[.h-code] bind order will look like this:


    "bind_order": {
        "id": "7108cec8-61b9-46d9-93e4-d192450f4609",
        "status": "accepted",
        "status_details": null,
        "policy": {
            "id": "1ce0aa04-6047-4931-bdc5-a3b3f046c49a"
        "bind_application": {
            "quote_id": "96d7c27b-dd73-46f1-9d33-c7c43e812527",
            "risk_values": null,
            "coverage_values": [
                    "coverage_parameter_id": "cvg_o3mw_cyb_effective_date",
                    "value": "2023-07-28"
            "admin_values": [
                    "admin_parameter_id": "adm_5k6f_surplus_brokerage_name",
                    "value": "Harold Insurance"
                    "admin_parameter_id": "adm_6evk_surplus_broker_license_number",
                    "value": "1835566"

As you can see in the response above, the policy [.h-code]id[.h-code] is now available. You can get the details of the policy using [.h-endpoint-link]/policies[.h-endpoint-link]. The amount of time it takes for a policy to be accepted can vary depending on the institution. Like quotes, some bind application require manual review by an underwriter before providing a policy. Because of this, the time it takes for a bind order to be [.h-code]accepted[.h-code] can range from seconds to hours.