Getting Policies

Get details for a policy

Once a bind order has move to a status of [.h-code]accepted[.h-code], you can get the details of the policy that has been created. The [.h-code]id[.h-code] of the policy will be provided in the bind order response in the [.h-code]policy[.h-code] object:

GET /bind_orders/{bind_order_id}

  "bind_order": {
    "id": "497f6eca-6276-4993-bfeb-53cbbbba6f08",
    "status": "accepted",
    "status_details": null,
    "policy": {
      "id": "9b301582-0a32-40ba-a636-1b0cbe294600"

Getting the Policy

Once you have the id of the policy that’s been created, you can get the details of the policy using [.h-code]GET[.h-code] [.h-endpoint-link]/policies/{policy_id}[.h-endpoint-link]. The policy response will provide you details such as the policy number, coverage values, files, and more. Here’s a sample policy response:

GET /policies/{policy_id}

  "policy": {
      "id": "872e8b77-d1e6-40dc-bb7e-5777a3a1242f",
      "policy_number": "HRLD-F0576534BFA",
      "portal_link": "",
      "product_id": "prd_0050_herald_cyber",
      "price_details": {
          "premium": {
              "total": 2680,
              "breakdown": null
          "institution_surcharges": {
              "total": null,
              "breakdown": null
      "actions": [
          "id": "0864c501-7af3-46a6-89e5-cd4a1b06c495",
          "status": "open"
      "files": [
          "id": "819718f7-5494-45d6-8037-28a88e307cc1",
          "type": "policy",
          "status": "available",
          "text": "Policy"
          "id": "b0a9b3a5-a9e1-4680-a970-93170e32660a",
          "type": "declarations",
          "status": "available",
          "text": "Declarations"
      "coverage_values": [
          "coverage_parameter_id": "cvg_o3mw_cyb_effective_date",
          "value": "2023-08-01"
      "created_at": "2023-08-01T01:13:30.714Z"

As you can see in the example above, the policy response provides details such as the prices and the coverage details on the policy. Some details to call out:

  • The [.h-code]policy_number[.h-code] is the policy number provided by the institution, unlike the [.h-code]id[.h-code] which is the unique id provided by Herald.
  • Every policy has a [.h-code]files[.h-code] array containing relevant policy files. Check out our list of supported file types, and read our guide to getting files to learn more about downloading the contents of a file.
  • A policy may require actions. If the [.h-code]actions[.h-code] array contains actions with an [.h-code]open[.h-code] status, you should complete these actions to prevent the policy from being cancelled. Learn more in our guide to completing actions.
  • Price expectations for the policy response are similar to prices in the quote response and in fact there may be fewer details (ie discounts). Note, the price may change between the time a quote is received and a policy is bound, therefore the prices may not be the same in each response.
  • The time that a policy was created is communicated in the [.h-code]created_at[.h-code] property, but Herald currently does not provide a policy status. To check the status of the policy, you should direct users to the [.h-code]portal_link[.h-code].