November 4, 2022

Full Transparency

New updates and improvements to Herald's API.

Our API Reference is Open to the Public

This week we officially made our API Reference public, which contains details about Herald's full API schema. Previously, we limited access to our API Reference to customers only, using a login. Our API reference contains sample requests, sample responses, and the ability to make mock calls.

We previously released our public-facing Herald Docs, which document the core concepts and principals of Herald. With the addition of our now-public-facing API Reference, you have full transparency into our product. Our API Reference provides visibility to both our [.h-code]master[.h-code] and [.h-code]beta[.h-code] branches, documenting both released and unreleased features.

Fixes and Improvements

  • We improved our data cleaning to strip everything after a trailing [.h-code]/[.h-code] from domain names. Previously submitting a domain name such as [.h-code][.h-code] would cause an error, but our data cleaning now transforms it to [.h-code][.h-code].
  • We fixed a bug that allowed users to submit a string of characters, such as [.h-code]yes[.h-code], as a valid domain name.
  • We updated domain name to be an optional parameter for certain products.
  • We fixed a bug that required a risk parameter for 5-year claim history when using certain cyber products, even when it was irrelevant.