July 6, 2022

Cyber and Cyber

New updates and improvements to Herald's API.

2 more Cyber integrations

This week we integrated our second and third Cyber products. These integrations bring us to a total of 18 supported products. These new Cyber integrations allow our distribution partners to get quotes that include coverage for Social Engineering, among other things.

Detailed status messages

We’re now providing detailed status messages when a quote is referred, declined, or unsupported. The status_reasons array in our quote response provides messages that describe why the quote is not active. This information helps developers get active quotes more easily when testing, and prevents users from having to guess why their submission did not generate a quote. This update also makes it easier for us to monitor status reasons over time to ensure that we return active quotes to our distributors as often as possible.

Fixes and Improvements

As always, we’re still bashing bugs and improving our API:

  • We added an error message when submitting an address object that is missing required fields like State or ZIP code.
  • We fixed a bug where, for users who had access to certain insurance products only, our [.h-code]/coverage_parameters[.h-code] endpoint did not return ‘deductible.’
  • We updated the text for some of our underwriting questions to standardize common terms, align grammar, and generally make them easier to understand.