December 3, 2021

Business Owners Policy

New updates and improvements to Herald's API.

Business Owners' Policy (BOP)

This week we launched our third line of business: Business Owners Policy, also known as BOP. In addition to having a lot of demand for this line of business, we were excited to work with an incredible new carrier as our first BOP product: CNA. Here are some of the new things we built to support BOP:

  • We created new BOP risk parameters.
  • We created a standard set of BOP coverage parameters
  • In particular, we created the first set of BOP coverage parameters that relate to specific risk parameters. Building limits and business personal property (BPP) limits relate to risks at specific buildings.

Fixes and improvements

In addition to adding BOP as a line of business, we also expanded some features and improved performance of existing ones. Here are the latest fixes and improvements:

  • We added support for remodeling contractors for General Liability.
  • We Improved security measures around how we store sensitive API information in our database.
  • We improved the sophistication of our periodic carrier integration tests. We run more tests, more frequently that allow us to identify changes in carrier response before they impact our customers.
  • We improved our tests to remove false alarms when carriers take a little bit longer than normal to respond.
  • We fixed a bug in our documentation that obscured all but one valid type in any object schema that used the “allOf” type.
  • We updated our documentation to more clearly highlight the quick-start appendix.